Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Getting Used to the New Place

Bridget came to us speaking no English at all, so communication is tricky.  However, we're pretty sure she likes her new home, especially her room!  It has taken her no time at all to organize her things and settle in.  And, like a typical teenager, she sleeps a lot, so we're glad she's comfortable.  We're looking into starting ESL classes right away.  In addition to needing to improve our communication, we feel certain that our girl also misses her peers.  So, the sooner we can establish some new friendships, the more comfortable she'll be.  That said, we had a chance meeting with another family with three teenage girls, all adopted from China!  One of them still speaks Chinese!  All three of these lovely young ladies have reached out to Bridget to make her feel welcome.  Yesterday, we stopped by their home so they could loan her some English study guides for Chinese speaking people.  She and I are going to sit down together today and start working on them.  I think we're moving right along.


Donna said...

She does seem to like the room!

chaniemom said...

That is so awesome that she could meet some other girls who can somewhat relate to what she's going through. I agree that getting her into school with an ESL class as soon as possible is a great idea. Do you have an electronic dictionary/translator? We have one with several different Asian languages as well as English. It was VERY helpful, especially in the beginning. Lots of thoughts going your way and for that brave young woman who is starting a whole new phase in her life.